I attended Tall Ships Erie 2019, a tall ships festival on Lake Erie in Erie, Pennsylvania, this weekend. This festival happens every three years.
The 2019 festival heavily promoted a giant, inflatable, yellow duck as one of the festival’s attractions. The festival also promoted the appearance of a “baby” inflatable yellow duck.
Here is what the featured, “mama” duke and also the “baby” duck looked like when I visted the festival on Saturday.

On Sunday, we cruised past Erie Tall Ships 2019 on our way to sail on the open lake. The topmost photo of this blog post shows what the duck looked like when we past it shortly before noon on Sunday.
Here is another photo that I took of the duck on Saturday, within a few moments of the photo that I took above. In my opinion, the duck struggled to stay upright.

Poor duck!
Now, the “baby” duck that sat on the water in the promotional materials that I saw for the festival actually sat on the dry land!

Here is a photo that I took of the “giant duck” at Erie Tall Ships 2016:

I will post some tall ships photos from Tall Ships Erie 2019 this week.